Friday, November 5, 2010


So YES I voted and found it a different experience this time. I went fairly early that day to avoid the rush and soon found out that the rush was already there. As I sat and watched those around me and wondered what they were thinking????? Were they there out of duty, pressure, concern, frustration????

I overheard they're concerns, complaints, funny out takes, jokes etc. The one thing that I did notice is that everyone felt happy to be there. They felt it a privilege to voice their concerns, their wants, their irritation by voting for who they believe will make a change?

Will the change come....... I truly don't know, but I can say this, at least where I live, people have had enough. It's time to take back what is ours, our Country. Have you notice that as time has passed from our founding fathers who believed in God, to the modern day that you can barely speak his name in fear that you may "offend" someone that the true core values that this nation was founded on are almost non-existant? Our families are broken, respect & gratitude is optional, people feel "entitled" to what everyone else has........Think about it
As Americans we have been given a gift from God, to live in such an amazing place. A place where and "average" person can become anything they want with hard work and determination, where the "unsung" hero's are every where. Where the beauty of the land varies in every direction. Where we are free to worship how and who we may. Where complete strangers will sacrifice what they have for those they don't know.

The United States of America is a land blessed by God, and by his hand. The saying comes to mind......"Where much is given, much is expected!" I feel truly blessed to live in this land. I am forever filled with love, respect and admiration for all those who have and still fight to protect our rights and our way of life.

I shutter at those who live under this great flag and have no respect for it. I am saddened that our leaders are so dishonest, self serving, pompous, and arrogant to believe that this nation is great because of them. I hope that WE as a people will not loose sight any more of what makes us "Great", that which is good, kind, charitable, & God like. If this offends you, than move on......

God Bless America - the truest statement ever said.....

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