Thursday, January 27, 2011

L O N G overdue.......

WHERE HAVE I BEEN YOU ASK.........well lets just say life has been busy. Christmas came and went with lots of giggles, stress, smiles & hugs!!! We had a great holiday and loved the snow that showed up (better late than never) helps the holiday feel right for me at least! The kids got all that they wanted (for the moment) and are happily making their list for next year!

As for normal "traditions" in our life the end of the year is always a stressful one. For whatever reason money is more eliousive than normal. So this year I made it a point to remember that Christmas is not about the gifts, its about our Lord and Savior's birth. We tried this year to really focus on that and not the materialistic part of the holiday.

So now on to the New's Years and the resolution department! I have to say the last year I actually really did good on accomplishing my goals, in part I think because I simplified my list. I only put on there 5 things, yep just 5. I combined 2 year long goals, 2 short term goals and one spiritual goal. This year I struggled a little more but still stuck to my 5 things and so far and I am doing alright.

NOW......the hard part, the husband had to go out of state AGAIN for work. Now I am feeling a little torn on this one. On one hand I am unbelieveably grateful he has work, at this time in history we are doing well to check that item off our list! Now on the other hand I'm feeling picked on, it's not fair, why do I have to raise our 6 kids on my own, why do I have to pick up all the slack, why does HE get the vacation, LOL! I have found myself really relying on the Lord more than ever. Not only in helping me to survive the day to day things, but with help keeping me positive (this is harder than you think when you're me). Through it all I have "managed" and it's all due to answered prayers.

For all of you out there who don't believe in the Lord, you don't know what your missing. You should try praying sometime, what are you out???? You may be surprised at the outcome!

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